For Class 3 students, the English language serves as a gateway to communication, imagination, and understanding. As they delve into their English curriculum, they encounter various literary pieces that not only enhance their linguistic skills but also broaden their horizons.
In Lesson 1, "Ten Little Fingers," students are introduced to a delightful narrative that celebrates the uniqueness and versatility of human hands. Through this engaging story, young learners are encouraged to appreciate the wonders of their own bodies while simultaneously honing their language proficiency.
This article aims to unravel the intricacies of Lesson 1, offering insightful questions and comprehensive answers to aid students in grasping the essence of the text. By delving into the themes, characters, and messages conveyed in "Ten Little Fingers," students will not only enhance their comprehension skills but also cultivate a deeper appreciation for the beauty of language and storytelling.
Class 3 English Lesson 1 Ten Little Fingers Question Answer
Join us as we embark on a journey through the enchanting world of Class 3 English, where every lesson is a treasure trove waiting to be discovered.
Ten Little Fingers
"Word Notes" (শব্দার্থ):
1. Match the pictures with the words:
2. Practise saying rhyming words. Your teacher will read the first word in each row. Read the other two:
- rose, nose, toes
- bright, night, light
- ear, hear, near
- ten, pen, hen
- eyes, rise, prize
3. A baby duck is called a duckling. Do you know the names of other baby animals?
4. b) Now, write the correct pairs. One is done for you:
- Hen Chick
- Pig Piglet
- Cow- Calf
- Duck- Duckling
- Goat- Kid
- Horse Pony
- Cat Kitten
- Tiger Cub
- Dog Puppy
5. Look at the pictures and let's read:
- The cow licks her calf clean. - গৰুটোৱে তাইৰ পোৱালিটো চেলেকি পৰিষ্কাৰ কৰিছে ।
- The chicks sleep under their mother's wings. - কুকুৰাৰ পোৱালিবোৰ মাকৰ ডেউকাৰ তলত শুই আছে।
- The ducklings sleep with their mother. - হাঁহ পোৱালিবোৰে মাকৰ লগত শুই আছে।
- Mother kisses her baby good night. - মাকে নিজৰ কেঁচুৱাটোক চুমা খাই় শুভ ৰাতি কৈছে।
- Baby foxes sleep in a hole.- শিয়ালৰ পোৱালিবোৰ এটা গাঁতত শুই আছে।
6. Let's see how much we have understood:
7. a) Say what you see in the picture:
It's the early morning. The sun is coming up in the sky. The duck swimming happily in the pond with her two little ducklings. Over there, by the pond, there's a tree with pretty flowers and a boat too.
7. b) Write the words in the frame below:
Sky cloudsun treeboat pond duck duckling flowers Mountain
8. Project:
Collect or draw pictures of animals and birds with their young ones. Paste them on a chart paper and write their names under each picture.
Ans. Student should do it manually
9. Listen to a story about a duck and her ducklings.
Mother Duck
Once upon a time …….. of the lake.
- Once upon a time - in the past: এসময়ত
- Mother - mom (মা/আই)
- Duck: (হাঁহ)
- Ducklings: (হাঁহ পোৱালি )
- Lived: (বাস কৰিছিল)
- Happily: (সুখত)
- Near: (কাষত)
- Lake: (জান)
- Look: (চোৱা)
- Every day: (নিয়মিত)
- Loved: (ভাল পাইছিল)
- Swim: (সাতোৰা)
- Cool: (শীতল)
- Water: (পানী, জল)
এসময়ত এটি হ্ৰদৰ ওচৰত হাঁহৰ মাতৃ আৰু হাঁহৰ পোৱালিবোৰে আনন্দৰে বাস কৰিছিল। এটা ধুনীয়া বিল আছিল। মা হাঁহে প্ৰতিদিনে নিজৰ হাঁহৰ পোৱালিবোৰক লৈ বিললৈ লৈ গৈছিল। তাই আৰু তাইৰ হাঁহ পোৱালিবোৰে বিলখনৰ শীতল পানীত সাঁতুৰি ভাল পাইছিল।এদিন ৰাতিপুৱা সিহঁতে বিলৰ ওচৰত খেলি আছিল। হঠাতে শিয়ালৰ চিঞৰ শুনা পালে। "অ' শিয়াল এটা!" হাঁহ মাকে ক’লে। "আহা, পলাওঁ।"
মা হাঁহ চিন্তাত পৰিল। তাইৰ হাঁহৰ পোৱালিবোৰে উৰিব পৰা নাছিল। তাই অলপ সময় ভাবি সিহঁতক ক'লে, "ক্ষন্তেকীয়া! লগে লগে হ্ৰদলৈ লৰালৰিকৈ যাওক।"
তেনেতে হাঁহৰ পোৱালিকেইটাৰ পৰা আঁতৰি গৈ ডেউকা দুখন টানি টানি আঘাত পোৱাৰ দৰে হ’ল৷ মূৰ্খ শিয়ালটোৱে তাইৰ পিছে পিছে গ’ল।
মা হাঁহে খুব বেগেৰে খোজ কাঢ়ি গৈ শিয়ালটোক বহু দূৰলৈ লৈ গ’ল। হাঁহ পোৱালিকেইটা পানীৰ ওচৰলৈ গ’ল।
ইয়াৰ পিছত মাক হাঁহৰ পোৱালিবোৰৰ ওচৰলৈ উভতি আহিল। তাইক দেখি হাঁহৰ পোৱালিকেইটা আনন্দিত হ’ল। তেওঁলোক সুৰক্ষিত আছিল। আকৌ বিলখনত সাঁতুৰি গ’ল৷
শিয়ালটো দুখ মনেৰে আঁতৰি গ’ল।
10. Say 'yes' or 'no':
(a) Mother Duck and her Ducklings live near a lake.
Answer: Yes
(b) Mother Duck and her Ducklings swam in the lake.
Answer: Yes
(c) A tiger was looking at them.
Answer: No
(d) Mother Duck was worried.
Answer: Yes
(e) Mother Duck walked fast.
Answer: Yes
(f) The fox went away happily.
Answer: No
11. Listen to your teacher and draw what you understand: Mother Duck swims in the lake.
12. a) Look at the picture and read what the ducklings do every day:
Ans- The ducklings and their mother live in a lake. The ducklings swim in the lake. They play near the lake.
12. b) Look at the picture and read what the ducklings did when the fox came:
Ans- The ducklings ran to the lake. They swam in the lake. They felt happy to see Mother Duck coming back.
12. c) Now, copy two sentences about what the ducklings do:
Ans- The ducklings swim in the lake. They play near the lake.
13. Fill in the blanks with the correct words to complete the following sentences to show what happened to Mother Duck and her ducklings:
Ans.-- Mother Duck and her ducklings lived in a lake. She and her ducklings loved to swim in the lake. One day they heard the cry of a fox. Mother Duck wanted to save the ducklings from the fox. She told her ducklings to run to the lake . She walked very fast. She went far away from the ducklings. The foolish fox followed her. She returned to the lake when she saw her ducklings safe.
14. There is a park beside the lake. Children play there. Read the coloured signs in the park. Some of them tell us what we should do and what we shouldn't do. Work with a friend and try to write another sign:
- Thank you
- Exit
- Help one who is in trouble
- Do not pluck flowers
- Use the dustbin
- Do not pluck flowers
- Welcome to the park
- Do not hurt animals and birds
- Entry
- "Keep the park clean - Use the trash bins."
- "Respect nature - Do not disturb wildlife."
- "Stay on designated paths - Avoid trampling on plants."
- "No littering - Dispose of your trash properly."
- "Be mindful of noise - Respect other park visitors."